Blogs are a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with your audience. At Victory Assistants, we take pride in writing high-quality blogs that capture your voice and provide valuable insights to your readers. As a virtual assistant, I have written several blogs for my clients, covering a wide range of topics. From travel to fashion to business, I have the experience and expertise to create informative and engaging content for your business. Contact me today to learn more about my blog writing services and how I can help elevate your online presence.
Anytime problems are hard. They take a lot of time, and dedication, and are rigorous. Due to this, anytime problems CAN BE DONE ANYTIME. They do not have to have a specific time period for students to work on them and complete them.
Story problems start in second grade and continue while increasingly getting harder. It is our job to ensure that we provide our students with the best opportunity of learning how to see a two-step story problem and what to do when they find themselves presented with one. There are things we can do and things we should not do to help our students progress.
I have put together some of the most important dos and don’ts of teaching math facts in the classroom that you can start implementing right away.
Jamboard is a great way to interact with students in a remote atmosphere. Jamboard applies the 5 C’s and allows students to work individually or within a group while the teacher can watch and comment on their work. Teacher and students alike can show their work while creating math problems, math drawings, etc. Jamboard can be used for every subject, not just math.
The Beaufort Bonnet Co started generations ago after a young mom had her first baby. She was gifted the sweetest little bonnet that she had ever seen. So, she was inspired by this perfect baby bonnet and decided to use this bonnet pattern so that every baby could have one.
This Secret Sale is going to be EPIC! And - it is only for our Devoted and Loyal Customers!
Our Devoted and Loyal Customers mean so much to us, that they deserve to be treated special!
As a parent myself, I am happy to say that one of my favorite times was when I got to sit down and play with my children. This wasn’t just playing with toys but having appropriate conversations with my children. Now, I am thrilled that I get to do this with all my grandchildren!
Weddings, babies, kids going to their first day of school, kids going to college, birthdays, holidays. Life events can simply be a special day that you’ve always celebrated or even celebrating your family!
Whatever the occasion and life event that is going on, we have all the gifts that you could need!
September is National Sewing Month! It was in 1982 that President Ronald Reagan declared September to be a month-long celebration, “In recognition of the importance of home sewing in our Nation.”
Who is already shopping for back-to-school?
I am not sure about you, but when I was a kid, I was always the one who cried on the last day of school. I loved going to school because I was super social! I guess not much has changed on that front. 😊
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that has the potential to transform our lives, allowing us
to appreciate the present moment and find joy in the simplest of things.
Lilly the Ladybug is a delightful and colorful character who embarks on a journey of self-discovery, mindfulness, and compassion. The kit includes a beautifully illustrated book that follows Lilly's adventures, capturing the imagination of readers both young and old.
The power of kindness stands as a beacon of hope. Though often seen as small, acts of kindness possess the remarkable ability to set off a beautiful chain reaction, touching the lives of many.
The allure of finding inner peace and balance has grown stronger. Enter yoga and mindfulness – two ancient practices that have garnered immense popularity for their transformative effects on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Taking quiet time each day has numerous benefits for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.